What Does Plastic Surgery Addiction Look Like?

What Does Plastic Surgery Addiction Look Like? featured image

Being addicted to plastic surgery is more common than you might think. Like most addictions, plastic surgery addictions typically tend to stem from an underlying emotional or mental issue. 

Similar to how people get hooked on fillers and injectables, the same can happen with traditional plastic surgery procedures. When too many unnecessary surgeries are done on a single body part, the end result is often unattractive and unnerving. “Excessive surgery can make someone look bizarre and almost inhuman,” says Marietta, GA, facial plastic surgeon Seth A. Yellin, MD. “Look at the ‘cat lady’ Jocelyn Wildenstein who spent a fortune on plastic surgery. Her face is so distorted, which goes against the basic principles of surgery. No normal face looks like that, nor should it.” While it’s hard to say that there’s a specific formula as to a number of procedures performed in one timeframe that creates this result, doing too much of any one surgery or treatment way too frequently usually is a red flag of a plastic surgery addict.

What It Looks Like If You’ve Done Too Much:

Browlift: Overly raised with a very unnatural shape to them and a surprised look
Blepharoplasty: Hollowed out upper eyelids that look wide. The lower eyelids can appear too rounded or like they are being pulled down.
Rhinoplasty: The nose is small and thin with flared nostrils and a pointy tip. Multiple surgeries can collapse the nose due to a lack of internal support
Facelift: Extremely tight, pulled looking skin.
Lip Augmentation: Large, shapeless lips that extrude and/or look lumpy; lips often appear stretched out and hard.
Fat Grafting: An abnormal fullness that looks almost puffy, swollen and/or bloated, especially in the cheeks.
Breast Augmentation: Unusually large (JJ or KKK cup sizes), pendulous breasts accompanied by stretched out skin. 
Liposuction: Jiggly, rippled, lumpy or crinkly skin that looks really aged.
Butt Augmentation:Typically appears as lumps and bumps when overdone.

Having too many procedures done can cause serious problems that may include:

  • A loss of sensation or persistent numbness to areas that have been operated on (this can occur with any surgery)
  • Extreme amounts of scar tissue that can cause complications if additional surgery is performed
  • A lack of tissue (if too much tissue is removed) that can cause features, like the nose, to collapse
  • Extrusions of filler materials and facial lumps, bumps and nodules
  • Life-threatening infections, embolisms and possibly death

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