The care you take during the post-op healing period is almost as important as the surgery itself. A recovery device called AqueCool, by Aqueduct Medical is an innovative, intelligent approach to that sensitive time.
AqueCool Masques deliver continuous cool-water therapy at a safe temperature range directly to the surgical site to minimize swelling, bruising, discomfort and overall downtime after surgery.
The masques are procedure-specific-Lower Face & Neck, Full Face & Neck, and Periorbital-and they’re custom-fitted to each patient. They can be worn while watching TV, reading, sleeping, or sitting at a computer without getting in the way.
As with any surgical procedure, it’s essential to meticulously follow your surgeon’s post-procedure instructions, so be sure to get the green light from your doctor before trying any recovery aid.
Find out more about renting AquaCool Masques by visiting