Although liposuction may not completely get rid of cellulite—in some cases it can improve its appearance, in others it may make it worse—it is often the best solution for eliminating stubborn fat on the thighs. During the procedure, your surgeon will make a small incision in the thigh, inserting a narrow tube, or cannula, to vacuum out the fat beneath the skin. “The thighs can be an extremely difficult area to tone for many women. In part, it is because of your genes, but other elements, like skin tone (which is affected by factors like age, weight loss and pregnancy), come into play as well,” says Houston, TX, plastic surgeon Henry Mentz, MD. “The best candidates for liposuction of the thighs are women with either a difficult spot, like saddlebags or inner thighs, or a difficult area, like thighs or torso. In both cases, results are best in younger candidates with tight skin.”
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