This Derm-Developed Soothing Mask Is a Must-Have for Stressed Skin

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This Derm-Developed Soothing Mask Is a Must-Have for Stressed Skin featured image

You know when your skin looks and/or feels stressed and you just want to hit a reset button for it? That’s what SobelSkinRx 9% Lipo-Peptide Soothing Mask does. Developed by New York dermatologist Howard Sobel, MD, the formula is backed by science and beloved by patients, especially those with reactive skin. If you fall into that category too, this is definitely a product you’ll like to keep in your arsenal. Here’s why.

The Benefits of This Soothing Mask

It’s not just stress that can make our skin feel out of whack. External aggressors like UV exposure and wind burn can jeopardize the skin barrier, zapping it of moisture. In-office aesthetic treatments like peels and lasers can also leave skin uncomfortable, fragile and in need of soothing products as it heals. No matter which of these causes resonates with you, the 9% Lipo-Peptide Soothing Mask answers your skin’s SOS signal. It does so using a blend of lipo-peptides (a combination of peptides and lipids) and herbal extracts that reduce irritation, redness and discomfort while also encouraging healing. The herbal extracts include licorice, bisabolol, chamomile and aloe, which lend calming and soothing benefits. The formula is also fragrance-free, and I love the way the rich cream feels. It’s like a hug for your skin when it needs a little more TLC than your normal routine offers.

SobelSkinRx 9% Lipo-Peptide Soothing Mask

BUY NOW – $49

How to Use It

Apply it to clean skin and leave on for at least five minutes, or up to 10 minutes for extra soothing. Then rinse the mask off and follow with moisturizer.

EXCLUSIVE PROMO: First-time purchasers on can use code NB25 to get 25-percent off their entire order.

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