7 Fruits and Vegetables That Give You Better Skin

7 Fruits and Vegetables That Give You Better Skin featured image

It’s no secret that fruits and veggies are great for your skin and body. But, if you aren’t a stickler for eating healthy, where do you begin? Marla Heller, foremost practitioner of the DASH diet and author of The DASH Diet: Younger You pinpoints these seven skin-friendly foods to focus on to get you looking your best.

You’ve heard that these green wonders have fantastic healthy fats (sidenote: they are also technically fruits) but do you really know how they work to leave skin looking fabulous? The fats help reduce inflammation in the skin, one of the biggest culprits of premature aging.

You need antioxidants to help ward off free radicals and you can’t get a much better source than these berries.

Pretty much any veggie that is orange in color also contains carotenoids and carrots take the cake in that department. According to Heller, studies have shown that people with a higher level of carotenoids in their skin have fewer wrinkles and lines from sun damage.

Citrus Fruits
You know you need vitamin C and this is a great source for it. Besides being one of the best immune-boosters out there, it helps boost collagen in the skin.

Another antioxidant powerhouse, kale is also a strong source of iron, which helps oxygenate your skin.

Red Bell Peppers
You might think that peppers are another standard source of antioxidants, but the real benefit here is a bevy of vitamin E and beta-carotene, both of which help skin retain moisture from the inside out.

Raw food is all the rage but Heller says cooked tomatoes are more beneficial to the skin than their uncooked counterparts. The reason: They contain the antioxidant lycopene, and release more of it when they are cooked. 

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