Beauty enthusiasts know Sephora’s Beauty Insider program is a no-brainer for scoring solid deals and racking up rewards just by shopping for your favorite products. The latest update from the beauty retailer is about to save us even more money.
“We’re updating our Beauty Insider benefits to include free standard shipping on all qualifying online purchases in the U.S. and Canada,” reads an update from Sephora, noting that the update will be in effect beginning September 21, 2022.
For those unfamiliar with Sephora’s loyalty program, it’s simple. The program is organized into three tiers based on annual spending: Insider, which is free, VIB if you spend more than $350, and Rouge, if you spend more than $1,000.
Previously, free shipping was only available to Rouge members. VIB members were eligible for free shipping on purchases over $35, and Insiders unlocked free shipping on qualifying purchases of $50 or more.
If you haven’t already, sign up to be a Beauty Insider here—your wallet will thank you.