Selena Gomez Is Launching a Mental Fitness Platform

Selena Gomez Is Launching a Mental Fitness Platform featured image
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We work out our bodies, but what about our minds? That is the question at the root of Selena Gomez’s new endeavor, Wondermind. The star has teamed up with her mother, Mandy Teefey and Daniella Pierson, the founder and CEO of The Newsette. The new platform will provide resources and a community geared towards achieving “mental fitness.”

The three women have all experienced mental health struggles of their own. Gomez is diagnosed with bipolar disorder, Pierson is diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and Teefey was misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder for over 20 years but is now diagnosed with ADHD and trauma. Their experiences make Wondermind a deeply personal passion project.


“We’ve each had our own mental health struggles, and we realized there was no inclusive, fun, and easy place where people could come together to explore, discuss and navigate their feelings. So we created it,” reads the website.

“I understand what it’s like to be confused and not really understand where these feelings and emotions are coming from and how big they may feel,” Gomez said in a video. “I live with bipolar. I don’t suffer from it anymore. I’m really happy and proud of the progress I’ve made.” 


Gomez shared the news of the launch on her Instagram, writing “Mental health is something that is very close to my heart. It is so important to have places where people can come together and understand that they’re not alone in their mental fitness journey.”

Wondermind, which is set to launch in 2022, will feature podcasts, TV, film, daily content and tangible products you can buy. It will be a space where you can find resources, ask questions and connect with others.


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