Supermodel Rachel Hunter on Turmeric Facials, Her Two-Hour-a-Day Yoga Habit and Honoring Healthcare Workers

Supermodel Rachel Hunter on Turmeric Facials, Her Two-Hour-a-Day Yoga Habit and Honoring Healthcare Workers featured image

Living in a world that is full of uncertainty, it’s extremely important to find ways to calm your flurried brain. There are many different methods to putting your anxiety on hold but Rachel Hunter, supermodel turned yoga-instructor and DAHlicious Organic partner, has one tried-and-true technique that she says will help to “lessen your thoughts.” Scroll through to learn about her connection with mindfulness and meditation and how yoga has allowed her to step into herself.

NewBeauty: How long did you practice yoga and meditation before doing your teacher training in India? 
Rachel Hunter: I had been practicing yoga for about 11 years on and off before I did my training in India in 2017. I found there were some incredible sweet spots during yoga those first 11 years, where my mind would let go of the constant running of thoughts going around in my head. This led to more creativity, to being in the moment and enjoying the connection between the breath and the body. But, I still wanted to understand more of what yoga is—I previously thought it was just asana (a sitting meditation pose). So, when I went to India, I unraveled a whole evolutional tool box for myself.


NB: How has being a model impacted your current lifestyle?
RH: I have always loved doing jobs that allow me to connect with people, which started during my modeling days. I’m extremely grateful for my 30 years in the modeling business; everything that has happened has been the way it was meant to be.

I once asked my mother what her biggest regrets were. Her answer was: “not being who you are.” From that moment in my modeling carrier, everything changed. It was time to fully step into my life and India was—and still is—a place of transformation. I wanted to connect to what I loved; we are not just limited to our job titles. So step in and Be YOU! 


NB: Congratulations on becoming a partner with DAHlicious Organic! How are you navigating through this role amidst the COVID-19 pandemic?
RH: Although it is an awkward time to be in this business, it’s the perfect time to be working with DAHlicious Organic because their brand messaging connects their products—which are indian-style probiotic yogurts—to meditation, yoga and wellbeing. When I’m doing work like this, it has to be with a conscious brand. They make products that I proudly support!

NB: How are you staying positive through this unpredictable time? Do you have any tips on calming anxiety?
RH: Currently, I am in India and my kids are in London. For everyone, this is a time that nobody has prepared for. Connection is important and we can achieve this through our devices. The most important thing for me is honoring the healthcare workers, front liners, people preparing the meals and the cleaners. Staying positive ebbs and flows so we must find moments of hope, as we are all together in this world. For calming anxiety, my tip is meditation, connecting to the breath and reaching out to each other.


NB: What does your diet look like?  
RH: Very simple. Lots of fruits, vegetables and salads, of course. I do love cheese, that’s my weak point 🙂

NB: Do you have any favorite make-at-home recipes? If so, which DAHlicious products do you incorporate? 
RH: Of course! I I love using the Alphonso Mango Lassi or Field Strawberry Lassi. The Almond Yogurt is great with fruits and cereal. It is always a pretty display to create with bowls.

NB: Do you rely on yoga for a daily workout? What are other forms of exercise you partake in day-to-day?
RH: Yes! I practice about 2 hours a day on breath-work, asanas and different rituals such as honoring the elements, chanting of all kinds, full integrated practice and hiking. Trust me, there are a few days I take it easy.  

NB: A lot of people find it hard to focus on meditation. How do you block out your stresses and hone in on your daily practice?
RH: Pick a time when you know that the doorbell is not going to ring. Then, create a sacred space and mood—use comfortable pillows to raise your hips or sit in a chair. Simple breathing and tuning-in stabilizes the system and tunes you into you! Close your eyes and keep them focused in between the eyebrows. Thoughts will raise—breathe into them and let them pass. Remember to keep that focus in-between the eyebrows. The more you do this, the more your thoughts will begin to lessen. We can be very hard on ourselves—it’s not about sitting there saying, “don’t think, don’t think” (otherwise known as “hamster wheeling”). Sit down comfortably, close your eyes and breathe. Tune into your ecosystem and your innerscape. Enjoy yourself. The more we fill this tank, the more we have the ability to be there in a stable capacity for others.  

NB: What is your daily skincare routine? Are there any products that you’ve found in your travels that you particularly like?
RH: The less stressed I am, the better my skin looks. Also, it matters what I’m feeding my skin. Internally, skincare is like putting on a party dress or nice clothes but a good moisturizer is essential, too! When needed, I scrub my face and apply my favorite moisturizer: Skin Food by Weleda. 

NB: When you need a self-care day where do you go? What are your favorite spa treatments? 
RH: A good massage and a facial are always great. On Tour of Beauty I had my face shaved in Japan—my skin was amazing! They call it dermablading over here I think. Getting a turmeric facial in India was also great. Ayurvedic treatments, another one of my go-tos, are thousands of years old—there are so many benefits from it like complete wellbeing.

NB: You travel so much for your Tour of Beauty! What are your travel staples that you can’t live without?
RH: My pillow! And my large shawl that I always take on the plane with me.

NB: In your podcast, 11:11, you talk a lot about your wellness journey and your spiritual explorations. What is one piece of your best advice in terms of self-help and growth?
RH: Tune into YOU….Be YOU. Connect to your inner ecosystem, your own nature innerscape. This is very grounding and authentic to you and being a magnetic person. There is nothing more active than a human being fully connected to oneself.

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