Paris Hilton Admits She’s Never Tried This Popular Beauty Treatment

Paris Hilton Admits She’s Never Tried This Popular Beauty Treatment featured image
Photo Credits: Michael Tullberg / Contributor/ Getty Images

It’s no secret that over the past decade, celebrities and individuals alike are turning to cosmetic treatments and procedures like fillers and Botox Cosmetic to get immediate skin care results. However, just as Kylie Jenner admits she’s had her lip fillers removed, Paris Hilton also shared her more natural approach to beauty.

“I’ve never done any Botox, filler—no plastic surgery in my life,” she told People. So how does Hilton get her skin so smooth and radiant? Skin care. Well, her skin care to be more exact.

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Hilton developed a skin care line that focuses on promoting cell rejuvenation to boost collagen and smooth out any fine lines. “I really wanted to make a line that was for every age, but especially young girls to be preventive,” she said.

On top of preventive products, there’s also on key piece of advice she took from her mom at a young age that helped. That was to stay out of the sun.

According to Hilton, you don’t always need tons of money and access to treatments to get such flawless skin. Practicing sun safety and using the right products can help you get the skin of your dreams.

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