4 Ways Orgasms Can Benefit Your Skin

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The body’s functions are all interconnected. Yes, even orgasms and skin health. While there’s not a direct correlation proven by thorough clinical trials, yet, experts say there is a connection between the hormones released during a climax and better skin. 

“There are no clinical trials proving that orgasm is good for skin,” says gynecologist Carolyn DeLucia, MD. “We can extrapolate, however. You see if A=B and B= C, then A=C.” Essentially, due to the myriad benefits orgasms have on the body (listed below), they can also have a positive effect on the skin. 

A small survey done by plusOne found that “four weeks into the study, women found that masturbating at least three days per week led to improved firmness, elasticity and radiance of the skin.” After eight weeks, the skin showed continued improvement in “texture and tone, as well as diminished sagging, fine lines and wrinkles. The individuals collectively reported that their skin felt tighter and firmer and looked brighter and more lifted.”

Beverly Hills, CA dermatologist Ava Shamban, MD says sexual wellness and vaginal health are highly interconnected. Additionally, both are essential pieces of our overall self-care and skin-care puzzle as well as our personal happiness. “The overall positive effects to health should encourage us all to practice as much as possible,” jokes Delray Beach, FL dermatologist Dr. Janet Allenby.

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They boost circulation and oxygen

According to Dr. Shamban, maintaining a healthy sex life can help boost the body’s ability to maintain youthful skin. Dr. Shamban says that orgasms can boost circulation and oxygen, resulting in increased cellular repair. Additionally, “increased blood flow to skin improves collagen formation,” says Dr. DeLucia. “Endorphins and hormone balance improve skin conditions, especially acne, by increasing blood flow.”

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They create an “afterglow”

“Orgasms produce an orchestrated release of hormones, in particular oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin, which promote anti-inflammatory properties and increased blood flow which can potentially impact your skin health in a positive way,” explains Dr. Allenby. “The skin may have an immediate effect known as the ‘afterglow,’ which is the flushing effect caused by these hormones, which is considered a radiant glow!”

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They elevate estrogen levels, which benefits collagen

Studies show that orgasms elevate the amount of estrogen in your body. A boost in estrogen levels can help maintain collagen for better skin elasticity and density, explains Dr. Shamban. 

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They reduce stress

Orgasms have been proven to reduce stress, says Dr. DeLucia. “Reduced stress is known to improve skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, acne and hair loss.”

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