Why This New FDA-Approved Implant Is Scoring High Points with Consumers

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A new implant by breast implant manufacturer Mentor was approved by the FDA this month. The brand says what sets this new implant apart from what is currently on the market is its high approval ratings from consumers for its “just like the real thing” shape and feel.

Retaining Shape and Form

Speaking with Lori Tierney, worldwide president of Mentor, we learned that the new MemoryGel Boost breast implant scored high marks in their study from patients for feeling most like a natural breast when compared to another leading brand. “Our global marketing team has done some really interesting ‘Voice of Customer’ patient research, and I think there are two key elements that any patient is desiring as it relates to their choice, be it on the augmentation side or reconstruction side. They are really interested in form stability to help shape the breast and the soft, natural feel.”

“In both cosmetic and restorative surgery, one of the keys to a long-lasting, natural result is selecting the ‘right’ implant for the patient and the desired look,” says Tucson, AZ plastic surgeon Raman Mahabir, MD. “It’s important to note that the data cited in this research is unpublished and frankly anecdotal, however, with this addition to their lineup, Mentor has taken another step forward in being able to provide a more complete range of options. As surgeons we always strive for the best possible, natural-looking results for our patients and continued innovation in this space is always welcome.”

Tierny says the combination of Mentor’s highly cohesive gel and innovative implant shell design contribute to the MemoryGel Boost implant’s ability to better retain upper pole volume when compared to its competitors. “This is the kind of feedback that we’ve gotten from our surgeons who we’ve worked with as part of the development of the MemoryGel Boost program,” she explained. “Then the research that we did with our consumers shows that the patients and surgeons both prefer this implant because it feels more natural. It was literally the equivalent of a touch test between our implants and other competitive implants.”

Filling for a Softer Feel

One factor that helps the implants keep their natural feel and form stability is the fill ratio says Tierney, which is also customizable depending on the patient’s needs. “The implant’s performance is influenced by how the fill impacts the ability of the gel to retain the desired shape,” she explains. “That’s part of our patented technology. We’ve got a proprietary cohesive gel that we use in all our gel products, and it holds together uniformly and retains the natural give that best resembles breast tissue, hence that whole natural soft outcome without sacrificing shape and positioning within the breast.”

“I am very excited to see Mentor’s approval of the new MemoryGel Boost implant. The more cohesive gel in round implants is a very exciting advancement,” says Louisville, KY plastic surgeon M. Bradley Calobrace, MD, who has published extensive research on both the original MemoryGel implant and the overall safety of silicone breast implants. “This gel is more stable, which leads to improved upper pole volume, shape retention in different types of breasts, and often less wrinkling. The ability of the new Boost implant to provide a soft feel but stable shape creates a ‘youthful firmness’ the patients often prefer.” 

The MemoryGel Boost implant launches this spring and coincides with a rollout of a new interactive patient education tutorial called “Get Ready, Get Informed.” With transparency and patient education being more important than ever, Mentor has created an online experience to help patients review important safety information to make the most informed decision.

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