After much speculation, Kelly Osbourne laid out all the details of her weight-loss journey on Hollywood Raw Podcast Thursday, sharing that she opted to undergo a sleeve gastrectomy, a surgical procedure that reduces the stomach size by 15 percent.
As a result, patients often notice that they’re less hungry and they can’t eat as much food. In her case, Osbourne says, it helped her lose a dramatic 58 pounds.
“I got that almost two years ago. I will never, ever, ever lie about it ever. It is the best thing I have ever done,” the 35-year-old said.
Even though the end result was worth it, she shared that the preparation process was lengthy: “I had to do a year of standalone therapy to prepare myself for the surgery before I even had it. What people don’t realize is it cuts out this hormone that—if you have addiction issues—stops your cravings, and it makes you not emotionally eat, which is a huge problem for me.”
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But she has more than just the surgery to thank for her now size-26 jeans—working on her mental health also played a huge role. “The number-one thing I had to do was get happy,” Osbourne says. “You can never go into this if you’re not in a good mindset.” She started this journey to a clearer mind by quitting alcohol, which she said is “the best thing I’ve ever done.”
“This has been two years of me working on this…figuring out if I was even capable of losing this weight,” Osbourne explains. But fans only started noticing her weight drop when her face started looking slimmer on Instagram, which she says was from an injection she received to relieve her jaw pain from TMJ, a condition that compromises jaw movement.
“It kinda made my jaw look skinnier,” says the star. “That’s when people started to notice that I had really lost weight—it changed the shape of everything.”