Jessica Alba’s Derm Says Every 30-Something Should Be Using These 3 Ingredients

Jessica Alba’s Derm Says Every 30-Something Should Be Using These 3 Ingredients featured image
Photo Credits: Axelle/Bauer-Griffin / Contributor / Getty Images

Jessica Alba’s skin looks the same at age 38 that it did when I was first introduced to her watching Never Been Kissed in 1999. Not only does the actress have her own skin-care line and #girlboss aesthetician Shani Darden on speed dial, but she also relies on the expertise of her dermatologist, Los Angeles–based Ashley Magovern, MD to keep her skin in tip-top shape. We had the chance to speak to Dr. Magovern, and these are the top three skin-care ingredients she recommends 30-somethings use:

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1. Alphahydroxy Acid (AHA)
“I recommend an AHA like glycolic acid, which smooths and brightens the skin. AHAs help to accelerate fresh, healthy skin production. I love the Honest Beauty Beauty Sleep Resurfacing Serum ($28)—it’s great for gentle exfoliation and has a great mix of AHAs. A woman in her 30s can use it every night with a moisturizer. “

2. Vitamin C
“Everyone should be using an antioxidant like vitamin C at least every other day to help fight free-radial damage from the sun and environment, no matter your age. It even helps to improve the look of brown spots and stimulates collagen production to keep skin looking young.”

3. Retinol
“This is the gold standard for preventing skin aging and improving the general appearance of skin. I like products with hyaluronic acid in them too to help with hydration. People tend to think that their products need to be irritating their skin in order for the product to be working. Active ingredients like retinol or glycolic acid don’t stop working just because they aren’t irritating your skin anymore—you actually want to get to the point where they aren’t irritating. It doesn’t mean they aren’t working anymore, it just means your skin barrier is getting stronger.”

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