Jane Fonda Gets Real about Her Plastic Surgery Past

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You wouldn’t expect Jane Fonda to open up about any work she’s had done to her face, as it was just a year ago that the Grace and Frankie icon shut Megyn Kelly down for asking about it in an interview. Although to be fair, Kelly was asking Fonda about comments she had made in the past, but nevertheless, the 80-year-old star made it clear it was not up for discussion. But for the new HBO documentary Jane Fonda in Five Acts, the star does not hold back and is ready to talk about what it’s like to get a little help turning back the hands of time. 

In the film, Fonda takes a deep look into her past as the child of American screen legend Henry Fonda, her controversies as a political activist and what it’s like to age in public. “This is the beginning of my last act,” says the star, “and in order to go forward, I’m going to have to know where I’ve been.” 

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Of the many places she’s been and the different stages of her life—from Barbarella and the 80’s Jane Fonda Workout to today’s sexy octogenarian Grace Hanson—her looks have been a constant talking point. “I’m glad I look good for my age, but I’ve had plastic surgery,” she admits, “I’m not going to lie about that.”

On the topic of plastic surgery, the star says she wishes she would have been braver and not had to rely on the extra help. “On one level, I hate the fact that I’ve had the need to alter myself physically to feel that I’m OK,” she says. “I wish I wasn’t like that. I love older faces. I love lived-in faces. I loved Vanessa Redgrave’s face.”

As she reflects on what she calls her “last stage,” Fonda shares some of her regrets but is ultimately unapologetic about not being perfect. “It took a really long time for me to find my own narrative,” she says. “But, I am what I am.”

Jane Fonda in Five Acts premieres September 24 on HBO. 

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