How Much Younger Can Plastic Sugery Really Make You Look?

How Much Younger Can Plastic Sugery Really Make You Look? featured image

When contemplating cosmetic procedures you can’t help but wonder: Just how much younger will they actually make me look? Not to mention, can altering what Mother Nature gave you actually modify the course of how you’re intended to age and potentially set you on a path to age better than you’re destined?

According to a study published in the Archives of Plastic Surgery conducted by the University of Toronto, cosmetic enhancement is a surefire way to turn back the clock. When researchers showed before and after photos of plastic surgery patients who underwent rejuvenation procedures (as opposed to augmentation) to participants, the post-procedure images were estimated to be almost nine years younger than their actual ages. Just look at before and after pictures of Christie Brinkley and the proof is evident as well.

As for using cosmetic enhancement as a preventative measure against aging, here are three schools of thought from the experts.

“With Botox, if started early enough, many facial wrinkles will never appear,” says Palm Beach Gardens, FL, facial plastic surgeon Mark Murphy, MD.

Cosmetic procedures as an anti-aging prevention phenomenon are still in their infancy in terms of long-term follow-up and how they will play out over the coming years. And some experts are still on the fence as to whether or not cosmetic intervention early on will have any effect, be it positive or negative. At this point, “There may not be evidence that preventative Botox is beneficial, but there is no evidence that Botox treatments too early will age you prematurely,” says Beverly Hills, CA, plastic surgeon Leslie Stevens, MD.

Debilitating certain muscles, like those around the eyes, with Botox, Dysport or Xeomin*, may actually encourage additional lines and wrinkles to form since the muscles are forced to overcompensate for the lack of movement in other areas of the eyes. “When the muscles around the eyes are weakened too much, other muscles can overcompensate for the lack of movement and lead to additional wrinkles,” says New York plastic surgeon Haideh Hirmand, MD.

*May not be available

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