Debra Messing Turns to This Procedure To Flatten Her Stomach

Debra Messing Turns to This Procedure To Flatten Her Stomach featured image

You probably know, and love, Debra Messing for her role as Grace on the comedy Will & Grace (which is having a special 12-episode revival). But just like any other woman, she too has those ‘things’ about her body that she didn’t like, mainly a pouch of fat on her stomach (her words, not mine).

“When I learned about the CoolSculpting technology and how simple, easy and painless the treatment was, I was incredibly intrigyed. This is about smoothing out the bumps that every person has that might bother them that other people may not notice,” Debra says. “Even if you eat clean and are active, there’s an option that doesn’t require being cut open or going to the hospital. The idea that you can freeze fat cells and they can disintegrate and then slowly leave the body is an incredible thing no matter your age.”

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Once she made up her mind to have the noninvasive treatment performed on her stomach by her dermatologist, she went full force and never looked back. “My dermatologist put the nozzle on my stomach, which was very cold at first before it went numb. For the next 35 minutes, I sat on my phone. Then, when it was all done I got dressed and went back to work—that was it,” she says.

Debra had two treatments done and although she’s only about six weeks out—it can take up to three months to see the full effect—she says she’s already seeing changes.

“To me, this treatment is like a miracle worker—it’s incredible. It’s safe and fast and I wanted to spread the word. And, I love the message behind it,” she says. “It’s about empowerment and doing something for yourself. It’s not a whole reshaping of your body and making you something that you’re not. It’s about being a better version of yourself.”

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