When you think of perfect skin, do you think of Kendall Jenner? What about Kim Kardashian and Gabrielle Union? The brilliant aesthetician behind those faces, Candice Miele, shared some of her top skin tips to achieve and maintain a celeb-level glow.
Get PCA peels
Miele emphasized the importance of getting peels, especially if you want brighter skin. She noted that a lot of her clients are on TV or getting photographed often, so it’s important for their skin to look bright, glowy and even, and peels are the way to achieve that. When asked about which peels she recommends, she gushed over PCA peels because of their minimal downtime and customizable nature. Whether you’re looking to address pigmentation, acne or other skin concerns, there’s a PCA peel option tailored to exactly that rather than one-size-fits-all solutions.
Don’t just trust trending skin care without doing research
Miele said one of her biggest pet peeves is people using whatever skin-care products are trending without considering their specific skin type and concerns. Everyone gets their advice from TikTok, and the products are often all wrong, she said, because what works for one person won’t work for everyone. You want to make sure your skin is getting what it specifically needs, she noted.
You don’t have to wash your skin twice a day
It’s been drilled into us for so long that we have to wash our faces morning and night, but Miele said that’s not necessarily the case. You always want to cleanse at night to wash the day away, but she noted that for those with dry skin, letting your natural oils do their thing in the morning without washing could be beneficial.
Don’t pick your skin
Easier said than done, Miele emphasized the importance of never picking your skin. “It always ends badly,” she said, even for a professional like her.
If you have to pop a pimple do this
If you have a whitehead that’s popping out and you can’t see an expert, Miele said exceptions can be made, but you have to follow her directions. First, cleanse your skin and make sure it’s moist with warm water. Then, use Q-tips to gently push the gunk out. The key is for everything to be super clean and gentle and to never use your fingers.
Don’t overdo pimple patches
Miele likes pimple patches as an occasional at-home option but notes that she’s seen too many people overdo it to the detriment of their skin. She even recalled skin burns in the shape of pimple patches from overuse.
Always fly with moisturizer on and no makeup
Miele said this tip is often hard to convince her clients to adhere to. However, she feels it’s essential to wear moisturizer on the plane and absolutely no makeup—just trust her.