Adult Acne


Acne After Fractional Resurfacing

By NewBeauty Staff May 19, 2010
There have been reports of mild to severe acne flare-ups after fractional laser resurfacing, and this has caused some potential patients to shy away from the treatment. But these reactions […]

How Hormones Play A Part In Breakouts

By NewBeauty Staff January 14, 2010
Every woman knows that some breakouts are related to her menstrual cycle. Androgen hormones (a form of testosterone) prompt excess oil production that, when combined with skin-cell buildup, leads to […]

Effective Acne Treatment Without The Side Effects

By NewBeauty Staff February 18, 2007
Take a break, lie on a bed and muse about your afternoon staff meeting during this 15-minute acne treatment. ClearLight‘s high-intensity light penetrates the skin and kills the bacteria that […]
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