Here’s a crazy math calculation: There’s the same amount of time between now and 2050 as there was between 1990 and now (yikes!). So, before another 30 years fly by in a blink, here’s what top doctors predict we’ll be seeing when we step into their offices of the future.
“Offices will be less clinical-looking and more spa-like with a lot of natural light. The initial consultation will be more comprehensive and will focus not just on skin, but overall wellness, nutrition and longevity.” — New York Dermatologist Marina Peredo, MD
“Telehealth will have a large niche in plastic surgery by 2050, streamlining care and reducing the need for live follow-ups. Virtual reality technology with sensors will provide further added value to the growth of telehealth.” — Old Lyme, CT Plastic Surgeon Vinod Pathy, MD
“We will be able to prepare clinical exam rooms with soothing colors, scenes and even scents based on the patient’s desires and psychological makeup determined in advance by the staff; I see all of that conferring with the patient’s personal computer.” — Atlanta Cosmetic Dentist Ronald Goldstein, DDS