Whether it’s from teenage acne or a surgery lesion that never fully faded, scars can originate from a laundry list of different circumstances. But no matter the source, experts agree on the treatment plan: “The first step in promoting healthy wound healing, is visiting a board-certified dermatologist to evaluate the type of wound you have,” says Boca Raton, FL dermatologist Jordana Herschthal, MD. “If it’s not attended to in these early stages, the risk of unsatisfactory scarring increases.” Once a wound is “healed” or the skin is closed, there are certain steps that can promote healthy healing and minimize the scar’s appearance. However, McLean, VA, dermatologist Lily Talakoub, MD offers up a helpful reminder: Scars generally take up to one year to fade. “Patience is key!” Here, six dermatologist-approved ways to fade scarring.
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