The Nonsurgical Procedure Plus-Size Models Are Frequently Requesting

The Nonsurgical Procedure Plus-Size Models Are Frequently Requesting featured image

Whether you’re plus-size or not, certain physical characteristics are considered more “classically beautiful” than others, especially by plastic surgeons, whose job it is to manipulate a person’s look based on their desires. In an interview with Revelist, plastic surgeon Dr. Joshua Zuckerman said, “Classical beauty is, in part, characterized by a delicate jawline, slight heart shape to the face and a petite chin.”

Because of this, he says more and more plus-size models (as well as other women) are seeking treatments to slim their jawline area. “It’s true that many women, ‘plus-size’ models and otherwise, currently want to maintain a bit of a fuller figure, while at the same retaining a face that is classically beautiful,” Dr. Zuckerman said.

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Another reason for the increase in requests for this type of treatment: Studio City, CA, dermatologist Gene Rubinstein, MD, says this area of the body (under the chin) is unlikely to respond to diet or exercise. Therefore, for models—plus-size or otherwise—an in-office treatment might be the best answer to keep this area slim and defined.

“With the popularity of selfies and social media, many patients concentrate on their face to look its best,” adds Dr. Rubinstein. “In my opinion, fullness in the chin area that is present in younger patients usually progresses to a ‘turkey neck’ appearance later in life. Therefore, addressing the small collection of fat early in life helps address this issue while the skin will bounce back. The goal here is to define the jawline.”

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The top-trending method to achieve this? Kybella, an injectable that helps get rid of a double chin by dissolving and releasing the fat cells. Liposuction is still an option as well, but being a surgery with more downtime involved, Kybella is a popular choice for many models and women who are looking for something less-invasive.

“The key difference between liposuction and Kybella is that liposuction is an invasive procedure with risks and complications involved,” explains Dr. Rubinstein. “Kybella is a series of injections, and even though there is a possibility of swelling and bruising, these typically resolve within just a few days. The process is safe and fairly uncomplicated to the patient. With liposuction, the swelling may take up to six weeks. Furthermore, Kybella treatment results in a smooth overall appearance that is soft to the touch. Post liposuction, a less-smooth appearance or ‘lumps and bumps’ are common for several months, and sometimes indefinitely.”  

For even better results, Dr. Rubinstein says he often combines Kybella with Ultherapy, an ultrasound-based skin-tightening treatment, to further help define the jawline.

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