
Beauty Tips From the Blue Zones

Beauty Tips From the Blue Zones featured image
Photo by Nick Karvounis on Unsplash

Blue zones are the five areas in the world where people live exceptionally long lives. The secret to aging well in these places differs from the anti-aging tricks most people try. These magical spots include Ikaria, Greece; Nicoya, Costa Rica; Loma Linda, California; Sardinia, Italy; and Okinawa, Japan. “More than anti-aging, I would say women in Nicoya believe more in aging gracefully by living a long, fulfilling life,” says founder of Costa Rican skin-care brand Sant Lucia, Beatrice de La Roche, and the same could be said for the other blue zones.

All the cliché sayings you’ve heard about how beauty comes from the inside or a life well lived?  Well, they live by those, and they outlive us all. “What we refer to as wellness, to them, would be common sense everyday practices,” says de La Roche.

Featured experts

  • Beatrice de La Roche is the founder of Costa Rican skin-care brand Sant Lucia
  • Debbie Matenopoulos is a TV host and the founder of Ikaria Beauty based in Ikaria, Greece
  • Agustina Azcona is the spa manager at NUMU Wellness Center at Nantipa in Costa Rica

There is beauty in community

“Community is everything,” says TV host and founder of Ikaria Beauty Debbie Matenopoulos, and you’ll hear that from most people living in a blue zone. She credits it as one of the main reasons “the people of Ikaria live well beyond their 90’s and are still very healthy in their later years.” They believe human connection with family and friends is vital to ensure health and well-being and, in turn, beauty. De la Roche describes the people in Nicoya to be “very social and joyful, which we now know plays an important role in living a long life.”

Spa manager at NUMU Wellness Center at Nantipa in Costa Rica, Agustina Azcona says, “Having a supportive social circle and a community that encourages hobbies, providing a sense of belonging and purpose to feel fulfilled and content” are simple things that help people return to the basics of well-being. “In today’s world, it’s increasingly easy to isolate ourselves, living our lives through computer screens and Instagram posts. However, the centenarians of Nicoya serve as a testament to how vital daily, genuine face-to-face interactions with people in our social circles are.”

Minimize stress

We know it’s harder said than done, but blue zone residents consistently say low stress levels are a huge reason they age so well and live so long. Matenopoulos says people in Ikaria tend to not worry about things beyond their control as they feel it’s a wasted emotion and will not change the outcome. “They understand the value and preciousness of life and that life is meant to be lived and enjoyed,” she adds.

Have a balanced diet

All the experts assert that a healthy diet is essential, but depending on the region, what that looks like may vary a bit. Azcona emphasizes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fish, which she feels contribute to healthy and glowing skin. People in Ikaria have a similar diet, with Matenopoulos calling out vegetables, grains, fish and lamb as the commonly eaten foods of the Mediterranean diet.

De La Roche notes the importance of fruit in Nicoya. “They eat fruits like papaya, mango and tamarind with every meal and sometimes as juices. The combination of fruits they eat gives them a wide range of vitamins, antioxidants, enzymes and phytochemicals that help protect, rejuvenate and brighten their skin, hair and nails.”

Choose your food wisely

Matenopoulos notes that in Ikaria, food is locally grown and sourced. “They would never consider putting pesticides on anything that they would take to market and sell or eat themselves. To them, it would be considered poisoning.” Additionally, De La Roche says women in Nicoya don’t drink a lot of alcohol or eat processed foods.

Spend time in nature

Lifestyle is paramount, says Azcona, and an important part of that is developing “a deep and genuine connection with nature.” De La Roche adds that women in Nicoya believe beauty is a result of their lifestyle. “They spend a lot of time outdoors, on the beach, in forest or water springs.”

Add honey to your diet and your skin-care routine

“A typical beauty practice in Greece, particularly in Ikaria, is the use of honey internally for its medicinal properties as well as topically to heal wounds and burns and just to make the skin more supple and beautiful,” says Matenopoulos. “Honey is a natural antioxidant, and it is also antibacterial, which helps with breakouts.”

Stay active

Exercise is a key component to a long, healthy life, but that doesn’t mean you have to do HIIT training or be in the gym seven days a week. Matenopoulos says most people in Ikaria’s main source of exercise and transportation is walking. “They walk everywhere, especially in the evenings after dinner.” Azcona says it doesn’t matter the exercise, whether it’s gardening, partaking in traditional dances or swimming it all helps maintain physical fitness and reduce stress.

Consume olive oil regularly, and don’t be scared to put it on your skin

Olive oil in Greece is obviously liquid gold and treated as such. Being one of the country’s largest exports, we Greeks drink olive oil like water,” says Matenopoulos. She adds that it’s been shown to reduce inflammation, puffiness and redness in the skin. “Growing up, my mother would put olive oil and water in a bottle and spritz herself and me with it constantly. Olive oil is truly the best thing I have ever put on my skin or in my body. It has healed so many different ailments for me over the years.”

Try natural remedies

“In Nicoya, people love using natural remedies like aloe vera for soothing burns and hydrating the skin. Coconut oil is also common as a natural moisturizer for skin and hair, and local herbs such as chamomile and rosemary for their skin and hair,” says Azcona. “These natural ingredients are highly effective and gentle.” De la Roche says people in Nicoya often “use coffee beans as exfoliants, clay from beach rocks as cleansers and aloe vera for healing skin.”

Apply Greek yogurt to skin

“Greek yogurt from sheep’s milk is also another widely used product to keep the skin beautiful,” says Matenopoulos. She says it’s been known to reduce fine lines, tighten skin and minimize the appearance of pores. “Growing up, my mom would tell me to put Greek yogurt on my face to keep my skin young and healthy. She was right.” If you’re not ready to slap the yogurt in your fridge right onto your face look for skin care that uses it as an ingredient.

Drink mountain tea

Matenopoulos recommends mixing mountain tea into your diet. She notes that it’s very commonly drunk in Ikaria and is full of beneficial flavonoids and polyphenols.

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