Slight crowding or misaligned teeth can be easily fixed in just one appointment with cosmetic contouring.
First, your dentist will take a plaster model of your teeth to determine how much reshaping will be required. After your dentist has taken an X-ray of your teeth, to make sure they’re in good shape (both in terms of thickness of the enamel and the size of pulp tissue, since large pulp can lead to sensitivity), your teeth will be marked with a special pen to guide the reshaping process. “No anesthesia is necessary. In fact, if there is even a slight sensitivity, it indicates that the nerve ending is very close, which is a warning sign not to reshape any more of that tooth,” says Atlanta cosmetic dentist Ronald Goldstein, DDS. By lightly removing excess enamel from the edges and corners of the teeth with a sanding drill and abrasive strips, the teeth can be transformed into a more desirable shape. “The condition of your teeth and the skill of your dentist will determine just how straight your teeth will look,” says Dr. Ronald Goldstein.
While the results of cosmetic contouring are permanent, routine cleaning appointments and checkups are necessary. “At least once a day, use a site-specific electric toothbrush and floss correctly.” notes Dr. Ronald Goldstein.
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