
Hollywood’s Most Sensational Smiles

Halle Berry Hollywood's Most Sensational Smiles

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According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, 99.7 percent of adults believe a smile is an important social asset. And there’s no denying that a straight smile, is a sexy smile.

Unfortunately, we all were not born with perfectly aligned and bright-white teeth. “There is a range of options that can straighten your teeth,” says New York cosmetic dentist Irwin Smigel, DDS. “Some work in as little as an hour, while others don’t offer results for a year or more, depending on the extent of fixing needed.”

In other words, if you want a straight, white sexy smile like actress Halle Berry, where there’s a will there’s a way.

Flip through this gallery of celebrities with the most dazzling smiles on the red carpet and learn the best ways to straighten and brighten your unique smile. We’re not saying these are the exact techniques each celebrity used to get their teeth in tip-top shape, but instead, what doctors recommend as the best treatments for similar results.

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The amazing lips of Angelina Jolie are, indeed, paired with great teeth. To straighten yours, consider traditional braces.

They can repair misalignment due to extreme crowding; large spaces; rotated teeth; or a jaw that sits too far back or forward. The metal brackets are cemented to the fronts and sides of each tooth, and connected with flexible wire that is “strung through” the brackets and secured with either dental putty or a rubber band. They exert a steady force on the teeth, helping them move through the jawbone.

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For those who don’t like the look of metal, but want a supermodel smile like Heidi Klum’s there’s another option: ceramic, tooth colored brackets, which work just like the metal version.

Even though they are less conspicuous than metal braces, they aren’t as popular (although they’re still used) as they once were. “When they were initially discovered, plastic brackets were like nothing else before,” says Atlanta cosmetic dentist Ronald E. Goldstein, DDS. “But, since they absorb food, they stain, which is why a lot of people have shied away from them. Orthodontists now mostly use ceramic or porcelain brackets, which do not discolor.”

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Brackets that fit on the back of your tooth can deliver a straight smile like Kate Beckinsale’s without the embarrassing look of traditional braces.

Lingual braces, as they are called, are adhered to the backside of the teeth and are a great option for people who are sensitive to plastic or metal since the lips and cheeks don’t come into contact with the brackets.

Just as effective and durable as traditional braces, lingual braces make use of metal brackets and wires, require fewer adjustments than regular braces. But because they sit on the inside part of the teeth, they can be harder to clean and may alter the way you speak.

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Be the envy of everyone in you neighborhood and get a stunning smile, like Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria, with invisible braces like Invisalign. Your secret will be safe with this series of thin, invisible plastic aligners that fit over your teeth and direct force over the entire tooth surface. Aligners are worn for 20 to 22 hours a day, being removed only for eating, drinking, brushing and flossing.

The aligners are customized to your bite and gradually shift the teeth into place via controlled force spaced at key intervals. Every two weeks or so, the aligners are replaced with a new set that are slightly slimmer. In about 12 months, teeth are noticeably straighter.

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The shape of your teeth can make the difference between a smile that makes you look older and one that keeps you young, like actress Sandra Bullock’s supercute grin. If you need to repair a chipped tooth, consider bonding, which can fix a tooth in just one visit.

Your dentist will etch your tooth’s surface so the bonding agent will adhere and apply a primer. Then, a putty-like resin is applied to your tooth in layers. Your dentist will sculpt the resin to fit the rest of your smile and harden it with a high-intensity light. And voila! You’ve got something to smile about again.

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A white smile is a sexy, youthful smile—just take a look at actress Eva Mendes. Laser and light can help create whiter teeth in less than an hour and the effects last up to two years.

However, depending on the sensitivity of your teeth, you may not be a candidate. The pain factor varies from patient to patient, and the more potent the solution and light intensity, the more likely they are to cause sensitivity.

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A great smile is essential for anyone who is constantly in the spotlight, like Jennifer Lopez. If you want a dramatic overhaul of your smile, consider veneers. Whether you get a few teeth treated or a full-mouth rejuvenation, these customized porcelain restorations can resolve a variety of concerns, from spacing issues and chips to discoloration and tooth size.

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When choosing how white to go, keep in mind that darker skin creates a contrast against the teeth so they can appear bright with naturally occurring tooth shades, like the lovely smile of actress Rosario Dawson.

On the other hand, fair-skinned people can go for the whitest shades and those with olive skin may not want to go quite as white.

“Whitening has remained so popular over the years because it works,” says Dr. Smigel. “The industry has grown bigger and bigger, but it’s more sophisticated today. There are better materials and bleaching you can do in just one office visit.”

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If you’ve had whitening or shape-shifting work done on your teeth, you’ll want to keep them in great shape, so you can keep smiling like the gorgeous Rebecca Romijn. Opt for raw, chewy veggies like broccoli, spinach, cauliflower and carrots as well as fruits like apples, pears, strawberries and grapefruit, which promote healthy gums.

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Source: PR Photos

To keep your smile camera-ready like Jessica Alba, limit your intake of darker pigmented foods and drinks like berries, tomatoes, red wine, coffee, tea and soda. Remember: If it can stain a white shirt, it can wreak havoc on your pearly whites, too.

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