
Ruth Connell on Her Red-Hair Routine and First-Time Mom Essentials

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Ruth Connell on Her Red-Hair Routine and First-Time Mom Essentials featured image
Photo: Ben Cope | Hair: Nancilee Santos | Makeup: Kindra Mann | Styling: Becky Thompson

Best known for her six-season run on the CW’s hit series Supernatural, where she starred as the fan-favorite ‘Rowena,’ the Queen of Hell, Ruth Connell can next be seen in Netflix and DC Comics’ highly anticipated Dead Boy Detectives. Besides taking on another “supernatural” character, reprising her role of the ‘Night Nurse,’ she also recently become a first-time mother. In between trying to grab some sleep, Connell chatted with us about bringing both projects to completion and why her one true postpartum luxury is an at-home massage.

Congrats on all your amazing projects coming up this month. What are you most excited about to share with the DC Comic fans?

I’m just so excited it’s finally coming out. Steve Yockey first mentioned the role of the Night Nurse to me almost five years ago now and it’s just really gratifying that it’s all come to fruition and that we can finally share it with everyone April 25th. It’s been a long time in the making and a lot of care has gone into it so I’m really optimistic about how much gaming fans and fans of the genre in general will enjoy it.

That’s amazing. I feel like, as a society, we wait for these Netflix releases to come out.

Yes, personally, I do. As I said, it’s been a long time just waiting and I’m really interested to see also what Supernatural fans who know me as Rowena from Supernatural, what they will make of this new character. I’m excited to see how they respond.

I know that you’re also a first-time mom. How is that playing out right now with your sleep and everything schedules?

It’s funny, because that was a long time of waiting, too! It took a long time and we’re so delighted that Margaret is finally here. I actually find it hard to even say that without getting choked up. It’s just all so new and wonderful. It’s really ironic to me that, right now, so much of my concentration and attention has to do with night doulas and getting me help to sleep. The night nurse needs help from other night nurses so that she can function and, for example, be O.K. to be in this interview this morning. It’s life meets art meets life, full circle.

That’s amazing. I know that you’re known for your red hair and, since we like to talk about beauty, what do you do for your hair? What are some of your go-to products?

I’ve been with the same hairdresser in Los Angeles for decades. We just put a gloss on my hair. We actually do very little and I leave myself alone. I don’t do too much. I think simple and often is the way forward. 

I do use really good products, but very sparingly. I just try to leave myself alone unless I have an event. Your hair goes through so much when you’re on set. You go through so much that when I’m not working, I just try to be as natural as possible. I’m a great fan of the updo—especially with a newborn. I realize I can’t wear my hair down. She just grabs it and we’re all doomed.

Do you have the same philosophy when it comes to skin care and beauty products in general?

I do. I’m always interested in trying something new though. I think, at least sometimes, it’s better to pay for something higher quality. Maybe I don’t do as many steps, but I know that I’m using a really good skin cream. As I get older, I probably care more. I haven’t been able to do much because I’m nursing. You’re not able to have a laser facial or things like that. I do something like that once every six months; I will do something that’s more intensive where I’ll go for a laser facial or something like that.

My last question: I know it’s tough having a newborn, but is there anything you do right now for wellness or self-care or anything just that’s for you?

There’s a place near me called Sparrow’s Nest and they actually come to your house for a full-body massage. It’s a great privilege. Having a postpartum massage when you can’t get out of the house for more than an hour…it’s a privilege. I’ve had a couple now. My back is in knots from the baby—she’s about 12 pounds now. But my back is in knots, and I’m recovering from a C-section as well. So that massage has been a really glorious treat, and a bit of an essential as well.

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